sobota, 21 maja 2016

The Kamieniec Castle

The Kamieniec Castle – currently the ruins of a Gothic castle from XIVth century placed in Odrzykoń in Subcarpathian region.


Kamieniec castle – is situated between Odrzykoń and Korczyna, near to Krosno. It was built in XIVth century in a Gothic style and then, in XVIth century rebuilded in Reneisance style. The building is 452 meters high and its irregular form is caused by the shape of the ground. The glory days of the castle were in XVIth and XVIIth century the during presence of Jan Zapoyla – Hungarian king and Faust Socyn, idealogical arian. Despite the time flow, the rebuildings that took place, the gothic elements can be still found there. For long years the castle was divided in two parts. The first one was the upper castle with west castle grounds and the second one was the median castle with an east castle grounds. Moreover, both parts belonged to two different owners. Currently, the entrance to the castle is from the east side which is better preserved. For instance, there are ruins of a chapel. All buildings that can be found there are well described on the tables. On the area of the castle there is also a small museum with military and historical exhibits. In the upper castle there is a monument of Tadeusz Kościuszko from XIXth century which was built on the hundredth anniversary of inssurection. Next to the monument there is a tarace from where we can admire lush vegetation. Unfortunately, the second part of the castle is closed for the visitors.
From the hill on which the castle is situeted, we can see the picturesque view on “Wzgórze dynowskie”. What's more, after the sightseeing you can visit the nice restaurant where you can try traditional food and buy some postcards.

Interesting facts:

The Kamieniec Castle was an inspiration for Aleksander Fredro to write “Revenge” - one of the greatest Polish comedies. In 1828, the poet got married with Zofia Skarbkowa from Jabłonowscy family who in her dowry was endowed with the half of the castle. Fredro, while looking over old documents found case files concerning the quarrel about the boundary wall between two noblemen Skotnicki and Firlej. Up to the present day the castle is administratively divided into two parts. One belongs to Korczyna and the other to Wojaszówka.

In 1996-200 in the ruins of the castle, tourists could take part in Holy Mass. Nowadays, Masses are organized in small church in the lower part of the castle.

Well educated gentlewoman who was a midget and whose name was Kasia lived on the castle.
When the queen Bona visited Odrzykoń, Kasia was admitted to her suite beacuase little people in the west were a sign of grandeur and splendour of the court. Ever since Kasia lived in Wawel where she was married to another midget named Kornel. After some time, the pair was sent as a gift to the emperor Charles V. Adventually Kasia found herself in Spain, where she was unhappy and homesick. She died in a foreign land and despite requests her body wasn't burried in Poland. Her ghost was said to be seen in Odrzykoń, in her favourite place by the chimney.


The name Odrzykon is explained through the following story. The first wooden stronghold was erected by a cruel knight who was committing banditry on the local people. He had a very wild horse which attacked and stomped onto people. After some time the local people were so angry with the terror and torment that they decided to rally and burn down the stronghold of the bandits. And so it came to pass that the bandits were killed and the horse which brought so much sufferings upon the people was skinned alive.


The Kamieniec Castle is situated near “Prządki” - a nature reserve with rocks, which is also great attraction for tourists in the local area. One of the rock is near the entrance to the castle and is called “Strażnica”. Around the castle there are two paths. One of them leads to the castle surroundings and the other downway to the “Prządki”. On the second trail whis is 1,5 km long we can see a gord from IX th century and two cemetery mounds. Along the road, near the castle there is an intresting little chapel of St. Maria of Lourdes.

Opening hours:

In tourist season (April 16th to October 31st)
from Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m.  – 18:30 p.m.
Sunday and Saturday: 9:30 a.m. - 19:00 p.m.

Out of season, sightseing is available only for organized groups (min 15 people) with reservation.


for individual tourists:
sightseeing of the castle: 4,5 zl/person

sightseeing of the castle and torture chamber with a guide: 8 zl/person (for min 15 people)

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