niedziela, 22 maja 2016


The land over the lazy water, which flows for about 133 km, begins its journey in Ostrów Wielkopolski and ends in Wyszanów where it joins the Odra River. We can surely call it the paradise on Earth for all nature lovers, but also for people interested in history. The question is, what we can not find there because that land is rich not only in nature but also in magnificent palaces, churches, tenements and cottages. That is all surrounded by parks which “play with colours” every season. Maybe, except winter, but believe me, the snowy landscape is also breathtaking. In Dolina Baryczy we can find the second largest nature reserve called “Stawy Milickie”. In the pictures posted below you can see the charming side of it. What is important, when talking about sightseeing, is the fact that everywhere we can get on foot, by bike or even by kayak (what can be really exciting and it can be a great opportunity to see all this good from different point of view).

When we go over Dolina Baryczy with a fine-tooth comb we should not forget about “the Birdwatching” which is currently a popular way to spend our free time, it is kind of a hobby, really relaxing, by the way. In the sanctuary, we can observe a lot of different species of birds, for example white-tailed eagle, black stork, hoopoe, gray heron and more. Talking about animals, we should mention the European beaver or otter, for which, the presence of water is like the Eden.

When it comes to plants, all water plants like Nymphoides peltata (grzebieńczyk wodny) or Nuphar lutea (grążel żólty), can be noticed everywhere.

Now, let’s move to the monuments. First of all, I would like to mention the palace, called “Pałac Myśliwski Książąt Radziwiłłów” in Antonin. Surrounded by a beautiful park and designed in English style. It invites the guests to walk and marvel the rich nature. It is one of the best place to calm down and eat breakfast listening singing birds.

The next monuments we can visit is Kościół Łaski in Milicz, famous for its 46 meters high tower, 

and Chata Regionalna in Przygodzice. There we can find the tourist information office, but also we can enrich our knowledge of the history of the Dolina Baryczy and the villages placed in the neighbourhood because of the museum located there.

Below, in the pictures, you can also see more nature monuments. For example: Stawy Ruda Sułowska, Łąki odolanowskie and Dęby Antonińskie.

And finally, I would like to write about the legend, famous in this region. In Olsza we can find the oak, which is coadunate with the pine tree. As the legend says, it used to be lovers, who were changed by the witches.

I would like to invite you to see the breathtaking nature which Dolina Baryczy is. Everyone can find something for themselves. We can rest there, take pictures and so on.

 But what is really important? That we should protect it, not damage it.

written by: AK 2LAS
photographs by: AK 2LAS

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